Gerdau rings NYSE closing bell to celebrate 25 years of listing


Brazil’s largest steel producer participates in an iconic ritual that marks the end of the trading day at the NYSE

Gerdau executives’ rings NYSE closing bell. Crédito: Divulgação/Gerdau

Gerdau, Brazil’s largest steel producer and one of the leading producers of long steels in the Americas and specialty steels worldwide, was invited by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to ring the closing bell, the iconic market closing ceremony this Thursday (16). The initiative is another celebration of the Company’s 25 years of listing on the world’s most prestigious stock exchange.

In honor of the occasion, Guilherme C. Gerdau Johannpeter (Chairman of the Board), Gustavo Werneck (Global CEO), Rafael Japur (CFO), Chia Yuan Wang (President of Gerdau North America), Pedro Torres (Director of Communication and Institutional Relations), and Renata Batifferro, General Manager of Investor Relations, rings the closing bell.

“Gerdau was one of the first Brazilian companies to be listed on the NYSE. As we mark 25 years since this milestone, we also reflect on our origins in Rio Grande do Sul 123 years ago. If today we have reached this point as an internationally recognized company, it was also due to the strength of the people of Rio Grande do Sul. Therefore, while we celebrate this achievement of a journey of more than two decades on the American stock exchange, our thoughts are with the people of Rio Grande do Sul. Gerdau will stand by them in the rebuilding of an even stronger Rio Grande do Sul,” says Gerdau CEO Gustavo Werneck.

Stamp celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gerdau’s listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) – Créditos: divulgação Gerdau